Ever wondered how to get the actual vmdk usage report on OS level utilising vmtools? This is a quick blogpost which you might find useful to get the results wanted.
$cred = Get-Credential
$vCenters = "lab-vc01.lab.local", "lab-vc02.lab.local"
Connect-VIServer $vCenters -Credential $cred
$global:DefaultVIServers | Select Name,Version | ft -a
Get-VM |
Select Name, PowerState,
@{N="VMDK UsedSpace(GB)";E={[math]::Round(($_.Guest.Disks | %{
$_.CapacityGB - $_.FreeSpaceGB} | Measure-Object -Sum |
Select -ExpandProperty Sum),1)}},
@{N="VMDK FreeSpace(GB)";E={[math]::Round(($_.Guest.Disks | %{
$_.FreeSpaceGB} | Measure-Object -Sum |
Select -ExpandProperty Sum),1)}},
@{N="VMDK Capacity (GB)";E={[math]::Round(($_.Guest.Disks | %{
$_.CapacityGB} | Measure-Object -Sum |
Select -ExpandProperty Sum),1)}},
@{N="Datastore";E={Get-Datastore -vm $_}},
@{N="Cluster";E={Get-Cluster -vm $_}},
@{N="VMHost";E={Get-VMhost -vm $_}},
@{N="vCenter";e={(($_.Uid).split("@")[1]).split(":")[0]}} | export-csv path C:\Temp\VMDiskUsageReport.csv -NoTypeInformation
Results of above script as follows showing the actual usage space of the VM and not just the provisioned space.

Alternatively, you can create a report similar to below
$cred = Get-Credential
$vCenters = "lab-vc01.lab.local", "lab-vc02.lab.local"
Connect-VIServer $vCenters -Credential $cred
$global:DefaultVIServers | Select Name,Version | ft -a
$Report = @()
Get-Cluster Cluster | Get-VM |?{$_.PowerState -like "*On*"} | %{
$ReportRow = "" | Select-Object VMName,PowerState,NumCPU, MemoryGB, UsedSpace, DiskCapacity,DiskFreespace
$ReportRow.VMName = $_.Name
$ReportRow.PowerState = $_.PowerState
$ReportRow.NumCPU = $_.NumCPU
$ReportRow.MemoryGB = $_.MemoryGB
#$ReportRow.UsedSpace = (($_.Guest.Disks| %{$_.CapacityGB - $_.FreeSpaceGB} | Measure-Object -Sum | Select -ExpandProperty Sum),1)
$ReportRow.UsedSpace = $ReportRow.DiskCapacity - $ReportRow.DiskFreespace
$ReportRow.DiskCapacity = $_.Guest.Disks | Measure-Object CapacityGB -Sum | Select -ExpandProperty Sum
$ReportRow.DiskFreespace = $ReportRow.DiskCapacity - ($_.Guest.Disks | Measure-Object FreeSpaceGB -Sum | Select -ExpandProperty Sum)
$Report += $ReportRow
$Report | export-csv path C:\Temp\VMDiskUsageReport.csv -NoTypeInformation