This is a quick blog post of creating a PowerCLI or PowerShell profile and having powercli modules or commands available using native windows PowerShell without installing powercli or having native admin privileges on a windows server or desktop pc. If you have admin persmission and access to internet, you can run below command in admin…
Category: VMware
How to change VCSA root password and bypass BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word for vCenter VCSA root account warning
This is a quick blog post on how to bypass BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word for vCenter VCSA root account. You will need SSH for this. The bypass was actually easy. Presumably you’re already SSH’d in as root, so you just need to edit /etc/pam.d/system-password so ssh to the VCSA and type…
Script: Increase Multiple Virtual Machines VMs vCPU and vMem using a CSV and PowerCLI
This is an updated blog posted requested by one of the regular users of this blog. IMPORTANT NOTE – the script will recursively shutdown each VM defined in CSV (unless Hot Add is already enabled), apply the config then power each VM back on. So make sure you run this script in an outage window….
Script: How to get VM Disk Actual Usage, or VMDK UsedSpace Report Of Actual Datastore Usage using PowerCLI or Powershell
Ever wondered how to get the actual vmdk usage report on OS level utilising vmtools? This is a quick blogpost which you might find useful to get the results wanted. Results of above script as follows showing the actual usage space of the VM and not just the provisioned space. Alternatively, you can create a…
List Of vCenter VCSA – VMware vCenter Server Services and their Purpose
This is a quick reference blog on the vCenter Server Services components and their purpose. Reference article
Script: How to get VM with Tag Assignment and export results to csv using PowerCLI or Powershell
This is a quick blog post on retrieving VM tag data from vcenter and exporting result to csv
Script: How to Put ESXi Hosts InTo Maintenance Mode, Reboot ESXi Hosts, Reconnect ESXi and Loop Across All Hosts Cluster Using Powershell or Powercli
Script: How to Enable or Disable SSH on ESXi Hosts VMhost Using Powershell or Powercli – VirtuallyThatGuy
There are more than one way to enable SSH on your esxi hosts in your vmware environment. One of them is via the DCUI (Direct Console User Interface). One of the ways to do that remote is with SSH. Enabling SSH can be done from the GUI, but since that’s not the goal of PowerShell…
Script: How to check VMs with ISO or CD-Drive Connected Using PowerShell and PowerCLI – VirtuallyThatGuy
This is a quick blog post on how to report on VMs connected with ISO or CD Drive. Refer to my previous post on how remove ISO or cd-drive from VMs in your vmware estate.
Script: Create New Role in vCenter Using PowerShell or Powercli and Create New Permission and Role whilst adding a user to global permissions – VirtuallyThatGuy
Further more, I have also included a more comprehensive version for creating a new role in vcenter , new permission and adding a new user using powershell off my last post. This post is about Creating New Role in vCenter Using PowerShell or Powercli and Create New Permission and Role whilst adding a user to…