VM disk space usage, Get-VM or VMhost LOGS, VM Snapshot Report to CSV – Using Powercli – Virtually That Guy

VM disk space usage

[math]::Round(((get-vm | Where-object{$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" }).UsedSpaceGB | measure-Object -Sum).Sum)


Check VM and VMtools level  

get-vm | where-object {$_.GuestFullName -like “*Linux*”} | select Name,GuestFullName,ToolsVersionStatus,ToolsVersion | FT -a


Check VM and VMtools level and include the Ones that require tools only


get-vm​​ |​​ where-object​​ {$_.GuestFullName​​ -like​​ “*Linux*”​​ -and​​ $_.ToolsVersionStatus​​ -eq​​ "guestToolsNotInstalled"}​​ |​​ select​​ Name,GuestFullName,ToolsVersionStatus,ToolsVersion​​ |​​ FT​​ -a


VMs on Host with More than 2vCPU & 8GB Ram 


get-vm | Where-Object {$_.NumCpu -gt "2" -and $_.MemoryGB -gt "8"} | select N ame, NumCpu, MemoryGB, VMHost | Sort-Object NumCpu | ft -AutoSize


Network Adapter and VMs Connected to it


Get-Cluster "UK-​​ IHateSpurs-01" | Get-VM | Get-NetworkAdapter | Where {$_.NetworkName -match "UAT_DMZ" } | Select Parent, Name, Type, NetworkName, MacAddress | ft​​ –a


Get-VM or VMhost LOGS


(Get-Log -VMHost (Get-VMHost​​ ​​ IHateSpurs-01*) vmkernel).Entries | Where {$_ -like “*WARNING*“}


(Get-Log -VMHost (Get-VMHost​​ IHateSpurs-01*) hostd).Entries | Where {$_ -like “*WARNING*“}


(Get-Log -VMHost (Get-VMHost​​ IHateSpurs-01*) vpxa).Entries | Where {$_ -like “*WARNING*“}


HOSTD The vmware-hostd management service is the main communication channel between ESX/ESXi hosts and VMkernel

In ESX you have only hostd and (if you have vCenter) vpxa.

These are daemon (services) for remote management:

  • hostd is used to remote management using VIC

  • vpxa is used by vCenter (the vpxd part of vCenter) to remote manament


VPXA It acts as an intermediary between VC and hostd. The vCenter Server Agent,


VMs with Snaphot


Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Select VM,Name,Description,@{Label="Size";Expression={"{0:N2} GB" -f ($_.SizeGB)}},Created | FT -a  

Snapshot Report to CSV


$VIServer="ron-vc01.​​ IHateSpurs.local"

If​​ (-not​​ (Get-PSSnapin​​ VMware.VimAutomation.Core))

​​ Try​​ {​​ Add-PSSnapin​​ VMware.VimAutomation.Core​​ -ErrorAction​​ Stop​​ }

  ​​ Catch​​ {​​ Write-Host​​ "Unable to load PowerCLI, is it installed?"​​ -ForegroundColor​​ Red;​​ Break​​ }


Connect-VIServer​​ $VIServer​​ -Credential​​ (Get-Credential)​​ |​​ Out-Null

Get-VM​​ |​​ Get-Snapshot​​ |​​ Select​​ VM,Name,Description,@{Label="Size";Expression={"{0:N2} GB"​​ -f​​ ($_.SizeGB)}},Created​​ |​​ Export-Csv​​ C:\scripts\csv\snapshotreport.csv


## VM disk space usage
[math]::Round(((get-vm | Where-object{$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" }).UsedSpaceGB | measure-Object -Sum).Sum)

## Check VM and VMtools level  
get-vm | where-object {$_.GuestFullName -like “*Linux*”} | select Name,GuestFullName,ToolsVersionStatus,ToolsVersion | FT -a

## Check VM and VMtools level and include the Ones that require tools only

get-vm | where-object {$_.GuestFullName -like “*Linux*” -and $_.ToolsVersionStatus -eq "guestToolsNotInstalled"} | select Name,GuestFullName,ToolsVersionStatus,ToolsVersion | FT -a

## VMs on Host with More than 2vCPU & 8GB Ram 

get-vm | Where-Object {$_.NumCpu -gt "2" -and $_.MemoryGB -gt "8"} | select N ame, NumCpu, MemoryGB, VMHost | Sort-Object NumCpu | ft -AutoSize

## Network Adapter and VMs Connected to it

Get-Cluster "UK- IHateSpurs-01" | Get-VM | Get-NetworkAdapter | Where {$_.NetworkName -match "UAT_DMZ" } | Select Parent, Name, Type, NetworkName, MacAddress | ft –a
## Get-VM or VMhost LOGS

(Get-Log -VMHost (Get-VMHost  IHateSpurs-01*) vmkernel).Entries | Where {$_ -like “*WARNING*“}

(Get-Log -VMHost (Get-VMHost IHateSpurs-01*) hostd).Entries | Where {$_ -like “*WARNING*“}

(Get-Log -VMHost (Get-VMHost IHateSpurs-01*) vpxa).Entries | Where {$_ -like “*WARNING*“}

HOSTD The vmware-hostd management service is the main communication channel between ESX/ESXi hosts and VMkernel
In ESX you have only hostd and (if you have vCenter) vpxa.
These are daemon (services) for remote management:
•	hostd is used to remote management using VIC
•	vpxa is used by vCenter (the vpxd part of vCenter) to remote manament

VPXA It acts as an intermediary between VC and hostd. The vCenter Server Agent,

## VMs with Snaphot

Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Select VM,Name,Description,@{Label="Size";Expression={"{0:N2} GB" -f ($_.SizeGB)}},Created | FT -a  
Snapshot Report to CSV

$VIServer="ron-vc01. IHateSpurs.local"
If (-not (Get-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core))
{  Try { Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction Stop }
   Catch { Write-Host "Unable to load PowerCLI, is it installed?" -ForegroundColor Red; Break }
Connect-VIServer $VIServer -Credential (Get-Credential) | Out-Null
Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Select VM,Name,Description,@{Label="Size";Expression={"{0:N2} GB" -f ($_.SizeGB)}},Created | Export-Csv C:\scripts\csv\snapshotreport.csv

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About the Author: VirtuallyThatGuy

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