Ever wondered a quicker way to check the vmtools versions and their status in your estate? Well here you go my friend.
Tag: Dell
How to Check Number of Disk and Number of NICs Per VM in a Cluster Using Powershell or Powercli – VirtuallyThatGuy
A quick useful vcheck for number of disks allocated to a VM , number of NICs and Guest OS details
PowerCLI Script to Configure DNS and NTP on ESXi Hosts – VirtuallyThatGuy
This is a quick blog post on how to update DNS and NTP settings via powercli. You can also check my other post on how to do it via host profile $vCenters = “lab-vcenter01.lab.local”, “lab-vcenter02.lab.local”
VMware Must Have Powershell Commands – Useful VIProperty cmdlets for VMware Powercli – How to add cmdlets to Powershell Profile VMWare – VirtuallyThatGuy
These are useful and must VI property cmdlets for automation.
How to set ESXi Shell timeout session value Using Powershell or PowerCLI – VirtuallyThatGuy
Another quick blog post about changing and updating esxi shell session timeout using powercli.
How to change windows server time and update NTP Settings – VirtuallyThatGuy
Another quick blog post about changing and updating ntp settings on all windows servers in the lab to sync from uk.pool.ntp.org as time source. To update, use the command below (2008 and 2012 server compatible) w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:”uk.pool.ntp.org” /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update change the ntp_server with your source Restart the time service net stop w32timenet start…
vCenter Root Account Password Expired VCSA – VirtuallyThatGuy
This is a quick blog post on how to reset the password of a VCSA/vCenter after the 90 days expiration. Error Message: ”Exception in invoking authentication handler User password expired”
How to change windows Server Domain Controller IP and update FMSO
Another quick blog post about changing domain controller IP and updating FMSO. Change Domain IP Run CMD as admin Step1Dcdiag /s:LAB-DC01 Step2change IP to new IP Step3Ipconfig /flushdns Step4Ipconfig /registerdns step5Dcdiag /fix netdom query fsmo Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole -Identity LAB-DC02 -OperationMasterRole SchemaMaster, DomainNamingMaster, PDCEmulator, RIDMaster, InfrastructureMaster Windows Extend License (run in powershell and extend domain) slmgr -rearm
Lab StartUp Script – Using PowerCLI – VirtuallyThatGuy
This is a handy script I was playing with to startup my lab remotely. I hope you find some of the commands useful.
vSphere ESXi 6.x or 7.x on Intel x5660 CPU – Legacy CPU for vSphere 7 – Virtually That Guy
This is quick blog post about hack for running ESXi 7.0 on legacy CPU in my case x5660. CPU_SUPPORT ERROR: The CPU in this host is not supported by ESXi 7.0.0. Please refer to the VMware Compatibility Guide (VCG) for the list of supported CPUs. It could be fix during boot by pressing SHIFT+ O and…