Introduction VMware vRealize™ Operations™, part of the VMware vRealize suite, provides a unified management experience for IT services on the VMware vCenter™ server. The Pure Storage FlashArray Management Pack for VMware vRealize Operations Manager (vROps) helps VMware administrators gain better insight into the health of the Storage arrays in a VMware context so that they…
Tag: Cloud Computing
Windows AD {Active Directory} (PowerShell) samples
You will need to have RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) installed For Windows 7 and above. This enables your local machine to remotely manage Windows Servers and Services via the usual MMC GUI’s (eg AD Users and Computers) and (most importantly) includes PowerShell modules in order to be able to do so as well. Once installed…
Migrate VMs Between vCentres Using Powershell or PowerCLI
Yeah you can do this in the UI but I don’t like clicking so will use a script instead. The following script will migrate virtual machines from one vCentre to another, so long as both have a shared datastore.
Set VM Tools to Update Automatically on VM Reboot using powershell
Keeping VM Tools up to date is like painting the Forth Bridge (an endless task which, just as you finish, another ESX release goes live and you start all over again). A useful, but almost hidden feature, is that which allows VM’s to automatically update when they’re being bounced. Meaning that some VM’s will be…
Windows Administrator Must Have Powershell Commands
This is a quick blog post about some useful windows powershell commands an administrator will find useful on a day to day basis. Share the love Command What it Does? $psversiontable Which version of powershell and I running Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass Allow execution of commands Get-Printer | select Name, DriverName, PortName | Export-Csv…
Linux & Terraform & AIX Server Administrator Cheat Sheet
Most of these commands will also work on Linux , networking or terraform as specified below Command What is does? route add -net netmask gw Add a static root – substitute for your IP information route del -net netmask gw Remove static route ifconfig eth1 netmask gw…
VMware ESXi CLI Cheat Sheet
These cheat sheets are to be used on the VMware platform. Some commands require PowerCLI, others can be run directly on the Photon OS. Command What it does /etc/init.d/hostd restart/etc/init.d/vpxa restart Restart VMWare Management services on Host # Check if your VM has (Change Block Tracking) enabled or not(Get-VM -Name Server_Name).ExtensionData.Config.ChangeTrackingEnabled(Get-VM-Name Server_Name).ExtensionData.Config.ChangeTrackingEnabled# Find VMs where CBT (Change Block…
Ping All VM’s On ESXi Using Powershell
This is a quick blog about some useful sanity check prior to and after network level changes
Comprehensive Script of VM’s with Snapshots Running – Using PowerShell or Powercli – VirtuallyThatGuy
This script generates an email report of virtual machines that have snapshots running. save above and run as below .\getsnapshotsize.ps1
PowerShell or PowerCLI starter pack – OneLiners Must Have For Administrator
A quick blog on some one liners managing the vmware estate an admin must have. The following are a few PowerCLI commands that I have found useful at one time or another. The VMware Communities section for PowerCLI is a great starting point for more information on setting up and using PowerCLI