So what is TTL? TTL is the value that determines how long your current DNS settings are cached with Internet Service Providers. What that means for you: In practice, if your Internet Service Provider has the current IP address for your website cached for 24 hours, it won’t bother checking for a DNS update for…
Tag: Cisco
How to Calculate pCPU to vCPU and pMem to vMem Ratio Using PowerCLI – VirtuallyThatGuy
In my time working for an Online betting company, I use to do a lot of capacity planning and cluster over commit analysis for our IT director. This sphered me on to try and automate the process…Thanks to the vmware powercli you can automate the process with below. So once again welcome to VirtuallyThatGuy – this…
How Does vCenter Communicates with ESXi (vPXA, HostD, vPXD) – TCP/UDP 902 – VirtuallyThatGuy
Welcome to VirtuallyThatGuy – today we are going to discuss how vCenter communicates with ESXi host … when the hosts are been managed by the vCenter , either in cluster or standalone Management. First of all what is the difference between Vsphere , vCenter and ESXi host? Many at times people new to virtualisation get…
How to Add Multiple ESXi Hosts to vCenter Using PowerCLI – Automation – VirtuallyThatGuy
Ever wondered how to add a bunch of ESXi Hosts to a newly or existing vCenter using powershell or automate with powercli? Well below script can help you achieve just that:
How to Automate Static DNS A Records with Powershell / PowerCLI – VirtuallyThatGuy
Welcome to VirtuallyThatGuy – This post will be looking at automation the creation of static DNS records in AD using a CSV.
How to Fix VMware Error PSC or VCSA in Maintenance Mode Ctrl+ D – VirtuallyThatGuy
So yesterday I restarted my Synology and completely forgot to shut down the lab gracefully. On restarting the VMs, both psc’s and vCSA started throwing up with errors “VCSA 6.5 ‘Failed to start File System Check’” – I did a few googling as I’m not a Linux expert and couldn’t find any solutions on…
How to Create Powershell or PowerCLI Profile For VMWare Automation – VirtuallyThatGuy
How to Create a Profile in powershell. You can also checkout my previous post on “Back to Basics PowerCLI Setting Up Profile For Automation”. This will get you ready for our journey of automation.
VMware ESXi Logs Location And Use Cases – Virtually That Guy
This is reference article for VMware ESXi logs, their locations and use-cases. I often google them when troubleshooting as I can’t remember all apart from the obvious so here’s a list. Log File Location. Description. Troubleshooting. /var/log/auth.log. ESXi Shell authentication success and failure.
Windows Server Shortcuts For Administrators – VirtuallyThatGuy
I came across this in my archives not sure who from… probably in my early platform days… very useful shortcuts for Windows Administrators… and your average user like myself. Simply get to a run command (Start>Run) or a command prompt (Start>Run>CMD [enter]) Admin Applet Command AD Domains and Trusts domain.msc Active Directory Management admgmt.msc AD…
How to Create Virtual Machines VMs Using PowerCLI Automation – VirtuallyThatGuy
This is a quick script using CSV to create VMs from template