This is a quick script for reporting and taking actions on how to check and remove CD Drive or ISO Connection of a VM using Powershell or PowerCLI. This is very useful when system admin have mounted an ISO to a VM using local datastore and vmotion not migrating the VM due to the connected ISO file.
CD Drive or ISO connected Reporting
# Check VMs with CD ROM attached to them
get-vm | where { $_ | get-cddrive | where { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true" } } | select Name
# Check VMs with ISO files attached to Them
get-vm | where { $_ | get-cddrive | where { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true" -and $_.ISOPath -like "*.ISO*"} } | select Name, @{Name=".ISO Path";Expression={(Get-CDDrive $_).isopath }}
# Disconnect all VMs where the CD Drive is connected and it is NOT an .ISO
$VMs = Get-VM
$CDConnected = Get-CDDrive $VMs | where { ($_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true") -and ($_.ISOPath -notlike "*.ISO*")}
If ($CDConnected -ne $null) {Set-CDDrive -connected 0 -StartConnected 0 $CDConnected -Confirm:$false }
# Disconnect all VMs where the CD Drive is connected and it is an .ISO
$VMs = Get-VM
$CDConnected = Get-CDDrive $VMs | where { ($_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true") -and ($_.ISOPath -like "*.ISO*")}
If ($CDConnected -ne $null) {Set-CDDrive -connected 0 -StartConnected 0 $CDConnected -Confirm:$false }
# VMs with a mounted ISO file as a CD/DVD drive
Get-VM | FT Name, @{Label="ISO file"; Expression = { ($_ | Get-CDDrive).ISOPath }}
# Check VMs with CD ROM attached to them
get-vm | where { $_ | get-cddrive | where { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true" } } | select Name
# Check VMs with ISO files attached to Them
get-vm | where { $_ | get-cddrive | where { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true" -and $_.ISOPath -like "*.ISO*"} } | select Name, @{Name=".ISO Path";Expression={(Get-CDDrive $_).isopath }}
# Disconnect all VMs where the CD Drive is connected and it is NOT an .ISO
$VMs = Get-VM
$CDConnected = Get-CDDrive $VMs | where { ($_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true") -and ($_.ISOPath -notlike "*.ISO*")}
If ($CDConnected -ne $null) {Set-CDDrive -connected 0 -StartConnected 0 $CDConnected -Confirm:$false }
# Disconnect all VMs where the CD Drive is connected and it is an .ISO
$VMs = Get-VM
$CDConnected = Get-CDDrive $VMs | where { ($_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true") -and ($_.ISOPath -like "*.ISO*")}
If ($CDConnected -ne $null) {Set-CDDrive -connected 0 -StartConnected 0 $CDConnected -Confirm:$false }
# VMs with a mounted ISO file as a CD/DVD drive
Get-VM | FT Name, @{Label="ISO file"; Expression = { ($_ | Get-CDDrive).ISOPath }}
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