Migrate VMs From VSS to VDS
# One liner
#### one Vm at a time
get-vm | get-networkadapter |where {$_.networkname -eq “OldPortGroup”} | set-networkadapter -networkname “NewPortGroup” -Confirm:$false
### migrating from ESXi host
$esx = "hostname"
$vsname = "old_vswitch"
$vdsname = "new_vdswitch"
$oldpg = "old_portgroup"
$newpg = "new portgroup"
# get the VMs
$vdPortGroup = Get-VDPortGroup -VDSwitch ( Get-VDSwitch -Name $vdsname) -Name $newpg ;
## get all VMs in this host and migrate the network to VDS
Get-vm -Location $esx | Get-NetworkAdapter | where { $_.NetworkName -eq $oldpg } | Set-NetworkAdapter -PortGroup $vdPortGroup -RunAsync ;
Change PSP for ESXi Host to RoundRobin
Get-VMHost “esxihostname” | Get-ScsiLun -CanonicalName “naa.600*” | Set-ScsiLun -MultipathPolicy “roundrobin”
Try naa.600 depending on storage iscsi or fc
Change Default PSP for SATP (Path Selection Policy and Storage Array Type Policy)
# Change the Default PSP for a SATP
# PowerCLI Session must be connected to vCenter Server using Connect-VIServer
Connect-Viserver UK3P-vc01.lab.local, ntcp-vc01.lab.local
# Define the default PSP to set VMW_PSP_MRU, VMW_PSP_RR, VMW_PSP_FIXED
$defaultpsp = "VMW_PSP_RR"
# Define the SATP to Set Default PSP to $defaultpsp
# This will depend on the SATP used associated with the connected array
# For example the SATP for an EMC VNXe is VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AA
$esxHosts = Get-VMHost
foreach ($esx in $esxHosts) {
Write-Host "Setting Default PSP to $defaultpsp for SATP $satp on $esx" -ForegroundColor green
$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $esx
Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor green
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | #Migrate VMs From VSS to VDS # One liner #### one Vm at a time get-vm | get-networkadapter |where { $_ .networkname -eq “OldPortGroup”} | set-networkadapter -networkname “NewPortGroup” -Confirm : $false ### migrating from ESXi host $esx = "hostname" $vsname = "old_vswitch" $vdsname = "new_vdswitch" $oldpg = "old_portgroup" $newpg = "new portgroup" # get the VMs $vdPortGroup = Get-VDPortGroup -VDSwitch ( Get-VDSwitch -Name $vdsname ) -Name $newpg ; ## get all VMs in this host and migrate the network to VDS Get-vm -Location $esx | Get-NetworkAdapter | where { $_ .NetworkName -eq $oldpg } | Set-NetworkAdapter -PortGroup $vdPortGroup -RunAsync ; # Change PSP for ESXi Host to RoundRobin Get-VMHost “esxihostname” | Get-ScsiLun -CanonicalName “naa.500*” | Set-ScsiLun -MultipathPolicy “roundrobin” #Try naa.600 depending on storage iscsi or fc Change Default PSP for SATP (Path Selection Policy and Storage Array Type Policy) # Change the Default PSP for a SATP # PowerCLI Session must be connected to vCenter Server using Connect-VIServer Connect-Viserver UK3P-vc01.lab.local, ntcp-vc01.lab.local # Define the default PSP to set VMW_PSP_MRU, VMW_PSP_RR, VMW_PSP_FIXED $defaultpsp = "VMW_PSP_RR" # Define the SATP to Set Default PSP to $defaultpsp # This will depend on the SATP used associated with the connected array # For example the SATP for an EMC VNXe is VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AA $satp = "VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AA" $esxHosts = Get-VMHost foreach ( $esx in $esxHosts ) { Write-Host "Setting Default PSP to $defaultpsp for SATP $satp on $esx" -ForegroundColor green $esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $esx $esxcli .storage.nmp.satp.set( $null , $defaultpsp , $satp ) } Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor green |