Imagine having to retreive several WWN for esxi rebuild or troubleshooting storage issue using the manual way? Well be my guest. This post is a quick script to retrive the WWN for esxi host in a specific cluster.
## Fibre channel WWN LIST per host
## Pass credentials if not already saved.
$cred = Get-Credential
## Connect to vcenter
Connect-VIServer uk3p-vc01.lab.local -Credential $cred
$scope = Get-VMHost # All hosts connected in vCenter
## You can also get WWN for ESXi under specific cluster
#$scope = Get-Cluster -Name 'UK3P-Cluster' | Get-VMHost #this will get you all the hosts under the cluster and their WWN
foreach ($esx in $scope){
Write-Host "Host:", $esx
$hbas = Get-VMHostHba -VMHost $esx -Type FibreChannel
foreach ($hba in $hbas){
$wwpn = "{0:x}" -f $hba.PortWorldWideName
Write-Host `t $hba.Device, "|", $hba.model, "|", "World Wide Port Name:" $wwpn
## You can either export the list to csv or display in table using | ft -a
## Fibre channel WWN LIST per host
## Pass credentials if not already saved.
$cred = Get-Credential
## Connect to vcenter
Connect-VIServer uk3p-vc01.lab.local -Credential $cred
$scope = Get-VMHost # All hosts connected in vCenter
## You can also get WWN for ESXi under specific cluster
#$scope = Get-Cluster -Name 'UK3P-Cluster' | Get-VMHost #this will get you all the hosts under the cluster and their WWN
foreach ($esx in $scope){
Write-Host "Host:", $esx
$hbas = Get-VMHostHba -VMHost $esx -Type FibreChannel
foreach ($hba in $hbas){
$wwpn = "{0:x}" -f $hba.PortWorldWideName
Write-Host `t $hba.Device, "|", $hba.model, "|", "World Wide Port Name:" $wwpn
## You can either export the list to csv or display in table using | ft -a