Create PowerCLI profile and setup powercli without Install on Windows Server or PC

This is a quick blog post of creating a PowerCLI or PowerShell profile and having powercli modules or commands available using native windows PowerShell without installing powercli or having native admin privileges on a windows server or desktop pc.

Install PowerCLI Offline

You can install all VMware PowerCLI modules in offline mode by using a ZIP file.​​ Download Zip File from link here​​ 

You might need to install PowerCLI on a local machine with no Internet connectivity due to security reasons and deployment restrictions. If you are using such an environment, you can download the PowerCLI ZIP file on a computer with Internet access, transfer the ZIP file to your local machine and install PowerCLI.


  • Verify that your system is compatible with PowerCLI. See the Compatibility Matrix on the PowerCLI home page.

  • Verify that PowerShell is available on your system. For Linux and macOS, you must install PowerShell. See how to install PowerShell on different platforms.

  • For Windows, if you have PowerCLI 6.5 R1 or earlier, uninstall it.

  • Download the PowerCLI ZIP file from the PowerCLI home page and transfer the ZIP file to your local machine.


  • Open PowerShell on your local machine.

  • Create profile using below if not already there

Test-Path​​ $profile

New-Item​​ -path​​ $profile​​ -type​​ file​​ –force



Once created open the profile and add below line to ignore invaliud cert in vcenter connection​​ 


Import-Module​​ VMware.VimAutomation.Core

Set-PowerCLIConfiguration​​ -InvalidCertificateAction​​ Ignore​​ -Confirm:$false​​ 


  • To view the folder paths to which you can extract the PowerCLI ZIP file, run the command:$env:PSModulePath

  • Extract the contents of the PowerCLI ZIP file to one of the listed folders.



Copy and paste the content of the zip file to the modules folder as per below


  • For Windows, run the command to unblock the copied files.Get-ChildItem -Path​​ 'folder_path' -Recurse​​ | Unblock-FileReplace folder_path with the path to the folder where you extracted the contents of the ZIP file.

  • (Optional) Verify that the VMware PowerCLI modules have installed successfully.Get-Module VMware* -ListAvailable


You can now run PowerCLI on your local machine.



If you have admin persmission and access to internet, you can run below command in admin mode to install PowerCLI

## To install individual module
Install-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core -AllowClobber 
## To install all modules 
Install-Module VMware.PowerCLI 

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About the Author: VirtuallyThatGuy

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