Check VMs Snapshots Status Using PowerCLI – VirtuallyThatGu

Quick blog post about using a csv to check VMs with snapshots and their details

# Read the VM names from a text file (one VM name per line)
$VMNames = Get-Content -Path "C:\path\to\your\VMNames.txt"

# Initialize an empty list to hold the results
$Results = @()
# Create a set to track processed VMs by name
$ProcessedVMs = @()

# Loop through each VM name
foreach ($vmName in $VMNames) {
    # Trim any extra spaces from the VM name
    $vmName = $vmName.Trim()

    # Debugging output: display the VM name being processed
    Write-Host "Processing VM: $vmName"

    # Check if the VM has already been processed to avoid duplicates
    if ($ProcessedVMs -contains $vmName) {
        Write-Host "VM $vmName already processed, skipping."

    # Get the VM object using the clean VM name
    $VMObjects = Get-VM -Name $vmName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # If more than one VM object is returned (e.g., template or placeholder), filter and pick the correct one
    if ($VMObjects.Count -gt 1) {
        # Filter out SRM placeholders and templates, and get a valid powered-on or powered-off VM
        $VMObject = $VMObjects | Where-Object { $_.ExtensionData.Config.Template -eq $false -and ($_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" -or $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOff") } | Select-Object -First 1
    } else {
        $VMObject = $VMObjects

    # Check if the VM exists and is valid
    if ($VMObject) {
        # Mark this VM as processed to avoid future duplicates
        $ProcessedVMs += $vmName

        # Debugging output to show which VM is selected
        Write-Host "Adding snapshot for VM: $($VMObject.Name)"

        # Get snapshots for the VM (if it has any)
        $Snapshots = Get-Snapshot -VM $VMObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        # Get additional VM information
        $VMHost = $VMObject.VMHost.Name
        $Cluster = (Get-Cluster -VMHost $VMHost).Name
        $VCenter = (Get-View -Id "ServiceInstance").Content.About.InstanceName
        foreach ($Snapshot in $Snapshots) {
            # Check if the snapshot information is already in the results to avoid duplicates
            $existingSnapshot = $Results | Where-Object { $_.VMName -eq $VMObject.Name -and $_.SnapshotName -eq $Snapshot.Name }

            # If not already added, add it to the results
            if (-not $existingSnapshot) {
                # Add the snapshot info to the list
                $SnapshotInfo = New-Object PSObject -property @{
                    VMName        = $VMObject.Name   # Ensure only the VM name is included
                    SnapshotName  = $Snapshot.Name
                    Description   = $Snapshot.Description
                    Created       = $Snapshot.Created
                    SizeGB        = [math]::round($Snapshot.SizeGB, 2)  # Round to 2 decimal places
                    Host          = $VMHost
                    Cluster       = $Cluster
                    vCenter       = $VCenter

                # Add the result to the list
                $Results += $SnapshotInfo
    } else {
        Write-Host "VM $vmName not found in vCenter."

# Export results if found
if ($Results.Count -gt 0) {
    $CurrentDate = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"
    $ExportPath = "C:\path\to\SnapshotDetails_$CurrentDate.csv"
    $Results | Select-Object VMName, SnapshotName, Description, Created, SizeGB, Host, Cluster, vCenter | Export-Csv -Path $ExportPath -NoTypeInformation
    Write-Host "Snapshot details exported to $ExportPath"
} else {
    Write-Host "No snapshots found for the specified VMs."

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About the Author: VirtuallyThatGuy

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